Well known throughout the galaxy for bringing the best custom Lightsabers that are budget and affordable to the masses. Whether you are a Jedi or Sith who used to own a Star wars FX Lightsaber Replica prop, we bring you the biggest bang for buck and greatest value from as low as $59 duel worthy light sabers.
Our designs feature even age old classics such as the Graflex held by Luke Skywalker, combined with the ergonomic design of the Katana - blended into our very one Flextana Saber. Installed with the latest Asteria soundboard, it produces rich and loud sound, vibrant LED light and high customization abilities to easily swap out sounds and change colors on the fly.
On top of our own designs, we also carry a wide variety of other lightsabers produced by many companies such as Ultimate Works / T39A / WonderForce.
Our various Distributors around the World
Hong Kong
We ship worldwide from our Hong Kong office to the United Statues, Great Britain, United Kingdom and all around the world. If you would like to see a local retailer carry our products, please send us a message via Facebook or email us.
Singapore - We The People Store & Ace Ventuna at China Square Central
Hong Kong - The Pach Store
Philippines - Saber Source & Saber Sentry
Australia - AEX Collectibles